Page 77 - ITECO Catalogue 2024
P. 77


        Moisture Sensi ve Devices (MSDs), must be managed correctly because "a single mistake" on a tray or reel of MSD causes "nega-

         ve impact on the en re produc on batch". Electronic components (like QFP, BGA or SOIC for example), LEDs and Printed Circuit

        Boards, when extracted from their original protec ve package, absorb humidity from the environment and during the soldering

        process the trapped moisture can vaporize and exert internal package stress. GHIBLI-PRO dry cabinets provides a "safe place" to
        temporary stock the MSDs removed from their original Dry Pack before soldering process.  In fact the J-STD-033 tells that under
        5% RH the Floor Life is congealed.
        Easy use: It’s plug and play, just connect it to the main supply without any se ngs and it will be stable at less than 5%RH (5%RH

        is guaranteed but the cabinets easily reach 2%). The dehumidifier units are always ac ve and not controlled by any sensor. This
        avoid dangerous problems due to malfunc on or dri  of hygrometers.

        Easy calibra on: Inside the cabinet there is an instrument for measuring environmental parameters: a DryLogger 9265.302 for the
        GHIBLI PRO line, visible through the glass of the upper door, or a Ghibli ADV Sensor module 8104.853 for the GHIBLI ADVANCED

        line, magne cally anchored to the internal walls. Both instruments can be sent for calibra on at any  me without problems

        Modular design: The dehumidifier modules are easy extractable with only a screwdriver. This allow easy repara on and grant the

        long life of the cabinet, over 20 years, as long as the metal structure last. This is our green policy. Smart magne c handles with
        key lock at every door. The front of the cabinet is fl at.
        2 years warranty
                                              Tray Rack                Alarm Box

                                              (op onal)                (op onal)

        GHIBLI PRO Line

        Technical specifi ca ons
        Humidity range: <5% RH guaranteed , typical
        2% RH
        Colour: Anthracite
        Power supply: 230Vac
        Structure: 1mm thick carbon steel with

        an  sta c paint

        Door: magne c handles , magne c sealers

        Wheel: 4 an  sta c 3” wheels, two of them

        with brakes
        Grounding wire:  2mt long
        ESD paint: 10  – 10 Ω

        The portable instrument DryLogger (9265.302) can measure
        RH & Temperature values in several points inside the cabinet,
        and can record H/T and transfer the data to PC for graphing
        and  analyzing.  Made  for  very  low  humidity  measurement
        can be used also for applications outside the cabinets.                           9265.302 DryLogger
                                                                                          See page 76  (included in all
                                                                                          Ghibli Pro Cabinet)

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