Page 73 - ITECO Catalogue 2024
P. 73

ACCESS LOG OPTIONS    It is possible to add operator recogni on and the EPA

        area access data logger to the Wristlab-Pro using one of these 2 op ons:
        - 9264.976 Access Log option with Facial Recognition and RFID Card Reader
        - 9264.984 Access Log option with Fingerprint Reader and RFID Card Reader
                                     Features common to the two op ons:

                                     - Se able individual profiles: 10

                                     - Max number of users: 3000 (max 300 for each profile)

                                     - Internal datalogger: able to store the last 10000 EPA accesses

                                     - Profile Data: Type of Measurement, LOW limit and HIGH limit that
                                        can be set between 50KΩ and 2GΩ, relay command op ons, etc ...

                                     - Access Record Data: date and  me, RH/T, ID and username, measu

                                        red values, etc ...

                                     - Iden  fi ca on  me: <0.5s
                                     - Biometric data encrypted non-reversibly with BioNANO algorithm
                                        according to the General Data Protec on Regula on (EU), which

                                        can be saved for backup purposes

                                     - LAN interfaces: RJ45 and WiFi connec ons
                                     - EPA Access Manager so ware for

                                        Win XP /../ 11 included
             9264.976                                              FREEWARE                    9264.984

                                  In ESD Test Sta ons the main "access routes" through   9264.974 Expansion Module op  on

                                  which viruses, bacteria or other pathogens can infect          20 x Touch Plate
                                  operators are:
                                  - the Touch Plate
                                  - the input connectors of the wrist strap.

         So all these items, if used, should be disinfected a er each operator passes.
         To avoid this work, you can use the Wristlab-Pro MT Biologic Hazard Free version
         connected to the Expansion Modules. The 9264.974 Expansion Modules are used
         to increase the available wrist strap entrances by 20 unit/each.
         For example, by adding 3, you get a total of 60 extra wrist strap entrances available,
         in addition to the 5 embedded into the 9264.970 instrument, which could be   20x   Wriststrap input:
         reserved for convenience for external visitors.                                    20 x (4mm) bu  on
         They are elegant blue panels spaced from the wall so that all the connec  ng       20 x (4mm) banana socket
         cables can pass comfortably and hidden behind them.                                20 x (10mm) bu  on


         It's a resistance decade box made specifically for the calibra on of the ESD Test Sta  on

         (Wristlab-II, Test Sta on EVO, Wristlab PRO and IEC 61340-5-1 compa ble testers)

         Range: 10W - 110MΩ (resolu on 10Ω)
         Tolerance: 1%
         Power: 1W for resistors up to 4MΩ, 0.5W  for resistors from 10MΩ to 40MΩ

         Opera ve Voltage: 250Vac max
         Dimensions: 14,7 x 11,7 x 5,5cm - Weight: 320g

         Detailed instruc on manual for calibra on procedures of the IEC61340-5-1

         9264.980 Calibra  on Unit for ESD testers (Max 110MΩ)  cables and adapters included
         9264.981 Calibra  on Unit for ESD testers (Max 2GΩ) cables and adapters included
         9264.982 Instrument  recalibra  on   (ISO9000 Traceable Calibra  on Report is supplied)
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