Page 71 - ITECO Catalogue 2024
P. 71

Test Station

        The test sta on EVO records and documents the parameters of   - Relay output for controlling the opening of the access door

        the ESD protec on of the personnel(wriststrap  and footwears).     to the EPA
                                                              -  LCD display with blue backlight 160 x 104 pixels, 74 x 46mm
        It can be used both  wall-mounted or in a console configura  on       viewable area

        to make measurements at the worksta ons.              -  Beep to indicate clearly PASS or FAIL test of the protec ons
                                                              -  Voltage Test selectable to 50V or 100V.
        Technical features                                    -  Programmable tresholds
        -  Measurement of bracelets and footwears according to  -  Wriststrap measuring range: 50kΩ - 2GΩ
           IEC61340-5-1                                       -  Footwear measuring range: 50kΩ - 2GΩ

        -  Up to 1000 different users iden  fied through fingerprint  -  Footwear measuring range (2 in series): 50kΩ - 2GΩ

           recogni on or manual recogni on (entering the ID number)  -  Precisione misura: 10%

        - Fingerprint recogni on 1,5 sec

        - Datalogger can store data for the last 10000 access (date and  - ISO9000 Traceable Calibra on Calibra on Report included

            me, user name and ID, the resistance values of the bracelet
           and shoes, etc ...)                                - Freeware program to manage the data  included in the Test

        - Control footwear separate (le  and right)              Sta on EVO (compa ble with Windows XP/../11)
        A common USB flash drive can be inserted                               The  fingerprint  sensor  capture  a  digital

        in the Test Sta on EVO to:                                            image of the fingerprint pa ern.

        - import/export all the configura on data                              The captured image it's not stored inside the

          (users name and ID number, personnel                                Test Sta on EVO, therefore the biometrical

           thresholds values, etc...)                                         data  of  the  users  are  safe  and  can't  be
        -  save a log report of the EPA accesses                              duplicated.

        (date and  me, ID and user name, resistance                           Only a biometric template (a collec on of
        values of wriststrap and shoes, etc...)                               extracted features) is memorized.
                                                                              The template size is very small: about 400
                                                                              The templates are used for a smart and

                                                                              secure iden  fi ca on of the operator.
        9264.922                              L LAN
        Test Sta on EVO

        Stand-up version
                                    USB Pendrive

         9264.920 Test Sta  on EVO USB wall moun  ng  with footplate
         9264.921 Test Sta  on EVO ETHERNET wall moun  ng with footplate
         9264.922 Test Sta  on EVO USB, stand-up version with footplate
         9264.923 Test Sta  on EVO ETHERNET, stand-up version with footplate
         9264.925 Test Sta  on EVO USB
         9264.926 Test Sta  on EVO ETHERNET
         9264.927 Instrument recalibra  on (ISO9000 Traceable Calibra  on Report is supplied)
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