Page 68 - ITECO Catalogue 2024
P. 68


        The FieldLab Evo instrument detects and measures intensity and polarity of electrosta  c fields.  It's useful for checking packaging
        materials, circuit assemblies, ionized areas. Maximum range is 20KV at 1" (25.4mm) distance, the correct positioning of the
        instrument is obtained through the beams of 2 LEDs converging at the right distance. The Ion Balance mode allows you to check
        the ionizers by inser ng the included insulated metal plate. The instrument is supplied in two versions: FIELDLAB and FIELDLAB

        EVO. Compared to the FIELDLAB EVO model, the FIELDLAB version offers greater accuracy (±05%) and the possibility of providing

        the analog signal on a specific output. ISO9000 traceable Calibra on Report included with the instrument.

                                 FIELDLAB EVO
              2 Leds                                                                    -  Range:
                                 - Range:                                                     ±20KV (Resolu on 100V)

                                       ±20KV (Resolu on 100V)                                 ±1,5KV (Resolu on 10V)

                                       ±1,5KV (Resolu on 10V)                                 ±200V (Resolu on 1V)

                                       ±200V (Resolu on 1V)                             -  Accuracy ±5%.
                                 - Accuracy ±10%.
                                                                                        -  Analog output for
                                                                                            recording device.


           9265.701 Electrosta  c fi eldmeter FieldLab Evo, with ba  ery.
         9265.501 Electrosta  c fi eldmeter FieldLab, with ba  ery.
         9265.508 Instrument recalibra  on, ISO9000 Traceable Calibra  on Report
          CHARGER EVO

        The Charger Evo is used to charge insulated plates at a desired voltage.
        Se able output: 100V to 1100V (step 1V)

        Resolu on: 1 Volt

        Accuracy:  5%
        Dimensions:  124x72x28mm
        The addi onal benefits compared to other chargers are:

        - Se able output voltage (step 1V)
        - The output voltage is clearly indicated on the LCD and the
           internal accuracy (5%) allows a roughly check of other ESD

            instrumenta on equipments.

        - Low ba ery and overload are clearly indicated.
         9265.401  Charger Evo  with ba  erie, case, and grounding cord
         9265.410 Instrument recalibra  on ISO9000 Traceable Calibra  on Report is supplied

                                   IONIZER VERIFICATION KIT

                                   The 9265.710 kit includes a FieldLab Evo fieldmeter and a
                                   Charger Evo. It can be used to verify ionizer opera on and

                                   check ion balance and discharge   me

                                   9265.710 Ionizer verifi ca on kit (FieldLab Evo and Charger Evo)

                                   9265.403 Ionizer verifi ca on kit (FieldLab and Charger Evo)

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