Page 66 - ITECO Catalogue 2024
P. 66

                                  Where grounding of some equipment or parts of equipment through tradi onal earthing techniques

               IONIZING           is imprac cal, where it is impossible to exclude all charging materials from the area, the use of

                                  suitable ionizers is highly recommended. Air ioniza on systems work by flooding the atmosphere
                                  with posi ve and nega ve ions. When the ionized air comes in contact with a charged surface, the

        ●  low decay   me         surface a racts ions of the opposite polarity. As a result the sta c electricity that has built up on

        ● reduced airfl ow         products and equipment is neutralized. Ions do remove small par cles or smoke and pollens from

        ● clean room compa ble    the air, and subjec ve research suggest that people working in ionized area are happier.

        ● balanced                The generated ozone is lower than 0.002 ppm a er 24 hours accumula on, conform to OSHA
        ● IEC 61340-5-1           requirements.
        6422/E  point of use ionizing blower   6432/E local area ionizing blower

        The smallest and most versa le blower available for equipment   Controls sta c discharge in mid-sized areas, it is indicated for

        or local area ioniza on. It is ideal for use inside or on top of   general workbenches applica ons, conveyors, equipment.

        produc on equipment. Ba ery operated model is very useful   Discharge  me: from ±1000V to 100V  ≤7s at 60cm

        on field service call.                                 Emi er points: Tungsten alloy, internally shielded, 5 year life

        Discharge  me: from ±1000V to 100V ≤ 10s at 60cm                 3

        Emi er points: Tungsten alloy,                        Air flow: 80m /h
        internally shielded, 5 year life                      Coverage area: 122x46cm

        Air flow: 15m /h                                       Power requirement: 230Vac / 6W
        Power requirement: 24Vac 5W
        Dimensions: 11.4 x 8.4 x 5.1 cm
           9265.560 Point-of-use ionizing blower, 24Vac
         9265.577 Wall transformer 230Vac/24Vac  32W             9265.576 Local area ionizing blower
        local area ionizing blower AEROSTAT PC2

        High performance compact ionizing blower, features an adjustable air flow speed

        and integrated heater. Suitable for workbenches, conveyors, robo cs, packaging.
        Decay Time:  ±1000V to 100V  ≤ 2s at 60cm

        Emi er:  Patented emi er point cleaner

        Air Flow:  220 m /h at high speed
        Coverage Area: 150x30cm
        Power requirement: 230Vac
        Auto-balance: 0 ±10 V                        9265.582 Local Area Ionizing Blower AEROSTAT PC2, 230V
        Turbo ionizing blower  XC2
        The Turbo Blower is designed to achieve full control in any environment,
        it is ideal to cover large areas. The fan can work at 3 different speed and

        has heater incorporated to grant a good comfort (heater can be turned
        on or off). Easy cleaning of the emi ers with the "Emi er Clear Bu on".

        The decay  me is minimum due to the high performance of this ionizer.
        Decay Time:  ±1000V to 100V  ≤ 3.5s at 60cm

        Emi er cleaning:  "Emi er Clear Bu on"

        Air Flow:  250 m /h at high speed
        Power requirement:  230Vac
        Auto-balance:  0 ±10 V
                                                               9265.602 Turbo Ionizing Blower XC2, 230V
        Overhead ionizing blower GUARDIAN

        It is a 3 fan smart ionizer that provides reliable, adaptable performance in the most sta c-sensi ve environment. Designed
        for moun ng over the benches, conveyors, it allows a complete 3D neutraliza on of the sta c charges, without compromising

        space over the table, and in the most comfortable environment. Equipped with 3 fan, adjustable air flow, heater, 13W twin
        tube fluorescent light, and emi er cleaning system.

        Decay Time:  ±1000V to 100V  ≤ 6s at 45cm

        Emi er:  Patented emi er point cleaner
        Air Flow:   500 m /h at high speed
        Coverage Area:  120x60cm
        Power requirement:  230Vac
         Auto-balance:  0 ±5 V
                                                                9265.610  Overhead Ionizing Blower GUARDIAN, 230V
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