Page 72 - ITECO Catalogue 2024
P. 72

Test Station

        Innova ve test sta on, available in 2 versions with iden cal func onality and technical characteris cs. They differ only in the

        interface: the Wristlab Pro MT (Mul  Touch biohazard-Free) model has 5 separate entrances for 5 users

             9264.990 Wristlab Pro Standard       9264.970 Wristlab Pro MT (Mul  Touch biohazard-Free)
                                                                                             5 x Touch Plate

                       1 x Round Touch Plate
                                                                             Wriststrap input:
                    Wriststrap input:                              5x 5 x (4mm) bu  on
           1x 1 x (4mm) bu  on                  Expansion                    5 x (4mm) banana socket
                    1 x (4mm) banana socket     module                       5 x (10mm) bu  on
                    1 x (10mm) bu  on           interface
                                                                                       Measuring modes:

        Test sta on for checking personnel grounding connec on of wrist straps and footwe-

        ar, according to the IEC 61340-5-1 / Atex.
                                                LOW limit e HIGH limit

                          Wrist strap  Settable in the X.X•10  format from 50KΩ to 2GΩ
                           Footwear  Settable in the X.X•10  format from 50KΩ to 2GΩ

        Separate tes ng of le  and right shoe; the test is executed at 50V or 100V to provide

        more accuracy. A relay output allows access to ESD Protected Area. Internal ba  ery
        supplied 9V or external 12Vdc.
        ISO9000 traceable Calibra on Report is included.

        The personnel grounding test sta on can work in 5 modes:

        1)   Simultaneus measurement of wrist straps and footwears.
        2)   Wrist straps only measurement
        3)   Footwears only measurement
        4)   HandsFree mode (if the serial measure of the two footwears pass the test then
               the internal relay enables the gate to the EPA area)
        5)   HandsFree+ mode (as above but with the ability to switch quickly to the
              simultaneous measurement mode of the wrist strap and footwears)


                                                     9264.990  Wristlab-Pro Standard model
                                                   9264.970 Wristlab-Pro MT (Mul   Touch biohazard-Free)  model
                                                   9264.927   ISO9000 Traceable Recalibra  on Calibra  on Report
                                 9264.974          9264.965 Footplate
                                                   9264.953 Stand-up support with footplate
                                                   9264.974 Expansion Module op  on (only for Wristlab-Pro MT 9264.970 model)

                                                           Access Log op ons

                                                   9264.976 Access Log op on with Facial Recogni on

                                                           and RFID Card Reader
                                                   9264.984 Access Log op on with Fingerprint Reader

       72          9264.965                                and RFID Card Reader
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