Page 26 - ERSA
P. 26

EASY ARM solder fume extractions
     EASY ARM solder fume extractions

                                        Noxious gases develop in every
                                        soldering process due to the use of
                                        fluxes. This aspect, together with
                                        the fact that flux condensate on
                                        the PCB can cause problems, re-
                                        sults in an increased requirement
                                        to use solder fume extraction sys-
                                        tems, also with regard to quality.

                                        Ersa EASY ARM solder fume ex-
                                        tractions ensure clean boards and
                                        a healthy environment in an ef-
                                        ficient and economic way when
                                        hand soldering. They clear off an
                                        entire working area via large noz-
                                        zles which are available in different
                                        The Ersa EASY ARM systems with
                                        their robust, longlife metal hous-
                                        ings are very compact and flexible
                                        in their application. Their noise lev-
                                        el is pleasantly low. Due to the in-
                                        telligent interface for the i-CON C
                                        soldering stations, the extraction
                                        units automatically switch into
                                        standby mode as soon as the sta-
                                        tion connected does which con-
                                        siderably saves energy costs and

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