Page 21 - ACL Staticide catalogue
P. 21


            This easy-to-use pass/fail unit will test wrist straps and heel grounders simultaneously and
            eliminate the need to change feet or flip switches. With speed, ease, and clarity, the colored LED
            shows test results. The pass/fail combo unit features the same specifications as ACL 750, yet
            requires no computer, making it more cost effective for companies that do not need to record
            precise data. It is available with or without a stand.

            Product #ACL 780:      Includes tester, footplate, 9-volt battery, and power adapter (US only)
            Product #ACL 781:      Includes tester, footplate, stand, 9-volt battery, and power adapter (US only)
            Product #ACL 740:      Accessory Door Relay

            ACL 740 Accessory Door Relay

            The ACL 740 is an upgrade to the ACL 750 or 780 meter.  With this option, ACL will
            construct a meter that comes equipped with a single throw, single pole, low-voltage
            relay for security door access or lockout. When an employee tests and receives a pass,
            the relay will close the electrical curcuit to a security door or turnstile and allow entry.

                                                                                                       #ACL 780

            ACL 795 CALIBRATION BOX
            The ACL 795 calibration box saves time and money by allowing a company with multiple combo
            tester units to verify the calibration of their systems in house. This product can be used as one of
            the tools to comply with ANSI/ESD S20.20 paragraph “Compliance Verification Plan.”

                 » Uses ANSI/ESD S20.20 limit recommendations
                 » Uses 1% resistors                                                                                          (800) 782-8420            (847) 981-9212  
                 » Includes NIST certificate

             Product #ACL 795:       Includes test leads

                                  #ACL 795

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