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Ersa staff training and services

                                                                                   In addition to its comprehensive prod-
                                                                                   uct range Ersa offers a wide range of
                                                                                   services such as staff qualification   Further solutions
                                                                                   and training, equipment and process
                                                                                   audits, ramp-up support or equipment
                                                                                   capability studies and consultations in
                                                                                   special applications. Ersa provides its
                                                                                   customers comprehensive possibilities
                                                                                   to carry out application tests in the
                                                                                   Ersa Application and Demo Centers.
                                                                                   Staff qualification is extremely impor-
                                                                                   tant to Ersa. Take advantage of quali-
                                                                                   fied employees yourself and partici-
                                                                                   pate in our training and qualification
                                                                                   courses. Being a member of the sol-
                                                                                   dering training union “Ausbildungsver-
                                                                                   bund Lötschulungen” Ersa offers, for
                                                                                   example, trainings as Qualified Hand
                                                                                   Soldering Specialist/Electronics Pro-
                                                                                   duction according to uniform stan-
                                                                                   dards throughout the year and con-
                                                                                   ducts Know How Seminars on machine
                                                                                   and process technology. Please refer
                                                                                   to our website or program flyers for
                                                                                   further information and current dates.

            Training as qualified hand soldering specialist

                                                       Your advantages             joints according to instructions. Ma-
                                                                                   terial properties will be discussed, and
                                                       Well-educated and qualified employ-  the necessity of a balance between
                                                       ees save costs: process deviations   soldering heat requirements and sol-
                                                       can be identified and corrected before
                                                       they lead to defects avoiding unneces-  dering heat resistance will be ex-
                                                                                   plained and tested afterwards by the
                                                       sary rework. Further benefits are the   trainees. The trainees will intensify the
                                                       optimal use of materials and repro-  theoretical and practical knowledge
                                                       ducible quality. Since the participants   they gained during the training course
                                                       are trained according to standardized   later in their daily work.
                                                       and approved regulations they will all
                                                       reach one level, finishing the sever-  Teaching methods and
                                                       al day training course with a certified   equipment
                                                       technical and practical exam.
                                                                                   Each participant will obtain a hand sol-
                                                       Target group                dering workplace with ESD equipment.
                                                                                   Therefore the courses are limited to
                                                       Electronic production industry, me-  max. 10 persons. Furthermore, heating
                                                       chanical engineering companies with
                                                       their own electronic production, proto-  plates, soldering and desoldering sta-
                                                                                   tions, one inspection workplace as well
                                                       type and pattern makers. Employees   as component preparation spots are
                                                       from production departments, qual-  available. The participants´ progress in
                                                       ity managers and engineers who are
                                                       to produce or repair RoHS complying   their capabilities is evaluated and doc-
                                                                                   umented during the training course.
                                                       electronic products in the hand sol-  These practical results are the basis
                                                       dering process.
                                                                                   for the admission to the final exams
                                                       Contents                    for the qualified hand soldering expert.
                                                       The qualified hand soldering special-
                                                       ist will obtain a basic understanding
                                                       for hand soldering electronic compo-
                                                       nents – this means he/she will learn
                                                       to understand the contents of work-
                                                       ing instructions and to professionally
                                                       and independently create hand solder

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