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TELEDERMATOLOGY WITH A DINO-LITE very easy to use. The direct link to the PC is generally seen as one
DERMASCOPE ® of the most important features. A general practitioner can use a
secure web application to send over dermatoscopic images to
The Dutch health care institution Ksyos Tele Medical Center the dermatologist, including patient data and medical history.
focuses on research, development and introduction of tele-
consultation in the regular health care. Ksyos cooperates with Distance medicine with the Dino-Lite DermaScope ®
over 3500 doctors and 2000 medical specialists and paramedics
in tele-cardiology, tele-dermatology, tele- ophthalmology and Albert van der Velde is a general practitioner in Haarlem, The
tele-pulmonology. Netherlands and has more than 2,200 patients in his practice. He
is an early adopter when it comes to technology and has been
working with the Dino-Lite DermaScope for quite some time. Increasing expertise
“Much to my pleasure and that of my patients”, says Van der
Velde. “The DermaScope is compact and my patients can see on Using the DermaScope does take some getting used to. Van der
the screen what I see, which involves the patient in the diagnosis. Velde: “Yes, I had to fi nd a medium between skin and scope and
The biggest advantage is of course the speed of working. I send have found water to work best. You need to maneuver the
my fi ndings and photos to KSYOS (the teledermatology organ- Dino-Lite to achieve optimal viewing, but you get the hang of it
isation) and I receive the results the next day. There is a negative quite soon”. For Van der Velde using the Dino-Lite DermaScope
and a positive to this. If the result is positive, you can reassure the also means that he increases his expertise. “I have no ambition to
patient immediately by phone, but if there is something suspi- be a dermatologist, but by seeing the images and getting the
cious, the patient will visit the dermatologist the next day instead results back very soon, you learn something every time. You can
Ksyos is off ering the tele-dermatoscopy service since early 2011. of having to wait in suspense for several weeks. So either way it say that the DermaScope has high added value, and most of all
Physicians interested in using this service have the option of is better for the patient.” this benefi ts the patient.”
using a Dino-Lite digital dermascope, which is seen as an major
incentive for starting tele-dermatoscopy. Physicians currently
using the Dino-Lite experience this equipment as versatile and