Page 68 - DINO-LITE általános katalógus
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user story
REVERENCE FOR THE DEAD dirt, overpainting and the original paint layer. We used this
Dino-Lite digital microscopes can be a solution for the restora- Dino-Lite-in-use-during-restoration-at-the-Tropical-Museum- microscope before and after cleaning the surface. That was the
tion of archaeological and art objects. This mobile microscope is With a height of up to ten meters, the bisj poles were made in the only way to easily notice the changes. In this area, the Dino-Lite
a useful tool because it makes details visible and is fl exible in last century by the Asmat, a Papuan people in former Dutch New was also very fl exible.” The time-lapse function was also very
application. Restorers of the Tropenmuseum recently experi- Guinea. Using these richly decorated nutmeg wood poles, the handy during the recovery process. It could be used to document
enced this. The Tropenmuseum in Amsterdam has restored ten dead are still being honored. The bisj pole ensures that the soul how diff erent layers were applied onto the original paint layer.
bisj poles. Thanks to the Dino-Lites, the museum visitors were of the deceased can ascend to the afterlife.
able to observe the achievements of the conservators down to VIEWING THE WORK ON A SCREEN
the wood fi ber level. The Dino-Lite also proved to be a valuable Dino-Lite-in-use-during-restoration-at-the-Tropical-Mu-
tool for restoring down to the square time-lapse millimeter. seumThe restoration took place in the Lichthal, the central hall of
the museum. “In this way, the visitors could easily observe our
work. An extra dimension was added because visitors could
watch on the screen every detail of what we saw” A museum
visitor can’t get closer to a restoration process.
For the fi rst time, the restorers of the Tropenmuseum were intro-
duced to the possibilities of the Dino-Lites. They liked to use
them, because the enlargements of details and the time-lapse
function have contributed to the quality of the restoration work.
Because of these experiences, the museum decided that the
VERY FLEXIBLE Dino-Lites can also be used in future restorations. The successful
Precision work was required. The human eye cannot discern restoration project in the Tropenmuseum showed that the
these subtle nuances for long. One restorer said: “Using the Dino-Lite should be an important instrument for restorers of art
Dino-Lite microscope, we easily noticed the diff erence between and other museum objects.