Page 69 - DINO-LITE általános katalógus
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user story
Due to miniaturisation and mass customization, the demands on exchange quality information with suppliers and customers but
quality control have increased heavily. Quality control in many also assure high level product support and problem solving
industrial fi elds can benefi t greatly from the Dino-Lite digital across the supply chain.
microscopes. Checking the quality of milling, painting, assembly,
manufacturing, tooling has already become daily work for
Dino-Lite in thousands of industrial companies. Dino-Lite is easy
to use and aff ordable, but also off ers digital storage of images
and video’s with software options such as measurement, annota-
tion and comparing images.
Highly innovate industries such as automotive, aeronautics, elec- Dino-Lite digital microscopes can be implemented in larger
tronics, medical device manufacturers can greatly benefi t from industrial systems and integrated into existing software solutions
Dino-Lite because of the speed and portability of both the with the Software Development Kit (SDK). Or you can digitize
regular USB Dino-Lite models, the high speed models or even existing microscopy equipment with one of the ocular camera’s
the Dino-Lite mobile solution with 5 inch portable screen. More from the DinoEye eyepiece range that are is software compatible
traditional industries such as print and paper, paint and lacquer, with Dino-Lite. Software partners have made application
metal and plastics production, textiles but also foodstuff s, solutions for specifi c industries, please check the software menu
packaging and many more can now use microscopy across the on this website.
full production chain. In all industries, one can now easily