Page 3 - PACE Katalógus
P. 3

Tip-Heater Cartridge Technology
                   The key advantage of Tip-Heater Cartridge based technology is that its advanced electronics provide instantaneous load sensing and
                   on-demand power to quickly reflow solder joints, regardless of the mass of the application. Further, the position of the control sensor is as
                   far forward as possible to immediately respond to the thermal demand of the work. The tip and heater are permanently coupled, ensuring
                   all the heat generated by the heater is available for use by the tip. For applications where the work cycle is high and for micro-miniature
                   applications the direct power approach is ideal as the thermal demand is continuously monitored and the heater responds immediately by
                   providing adequate power to meet the demand from the work, without overshoot.

                                             Control Sensor            Sensor “Printed” on Ceramic Heater - Standard resistance
                                             Position                  Heating Element, (40-60 W)
                                             Relative to Tip  Poor Position
                                                                            Curie-Point Heating Systems - High frequency emission
                                                                            creating heat in ferromagnetic slug using its Curiepoint
                                                                            to control temperature (30-40 W)
                       For efficient heating, accurate             Fair Position
                       control and for forming the best            Fairly Efficient
                       solder joint, use an iron with                         PACE SensaTemp  Precision Control System -
                       the shortest sensor pathway!                           High mass resevoir heater with platinum RTD sensor.
                                                                              (52 W)
                                                                   Good Position
                                                                            PACE Tip Heater Cartridge System - High thermo
                                                                            delivery, Sensor controlled ceramic heater/tip cartridge
                                                                 Best Position
                                                                 Highly Efficient

                        MAINTAINING PERFORMANCE IN THE             SensaTemp  Technology
                         “GREEN” ZONE IS MORE LIKELY AS            At the heart of SensaTemp  is a laser trimmed, platinum RTD
                       SENSOR PATHWAY BECOMES SMALLER              sensor that is 5 times more accurate than conventional thermo-
                                                                   couples. This level of accuracy allows for safe, productive
                                                                   soldering at the lowest possible temperatures. As a result, the
                   Ideal Iron Perfomance                           amount of time spent reflowing each joint is reduced, minimizing
                                                                   the possibility of damage. Additionally, SensaTemp  allows you
                   350° C
                                                                   to change tips, heaters and handpieces at will, without ever
                                                                   having to re-calibrate! SensaTemp ’s unique heater design acts
                                                                   as a “thermal reservoir” that minimizes tip temperature overshoot,
                                                                   ensures temperature stability and provides reserve power that
                                                                   can be accessed instantaneously when high mass applications
                   200° C                                          are being performed.
                                                                   SensaTemp delivers consistent, repeatable results regardless of
                                                                   the thermal demand of the work. Its ability to respond quickly is
                                                                   ideal for light work, while its amazing thermal capacity can meet the
                    0° C                                           challenges of the heaviest thermal loads, providing the operator
                                                                   with the flexibility that is essential in today’s ever changing envi-
                              WORKFLOW INCREASING
                                                                   ronment. Regardless of your application, SensaTemp  delivers
                                                                   unsurpassed thermal performance, productivity and “bottom
                            Too Hot   Ideal Process   Too Cold
                                      Control Window               line” savings.
                              Tip Temperature  Solder Joint
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