P. 13
A good workplace chair …
… can increase effi ciency at your company … ensures safety in the workplace
Total energy resources Energy expended Energy expended
available: 100 % in the case of in the case of
poor posture good posture
Height and tilt-adjustable backrests, with self-aligning bearings
Adjusts to the requirements of the various activities
90 that the user has to perform while seated
70 Measures to prevent trapping or crushing
50 of DIN 68 877-1 Height-adjustable seat
30 Additional non-slip step for chairs that support seat
height adjustment of over 650 mm
No castors for chairs that have a seat height of over 650 mm
Energy used in % (except Stop & Go castors)
Productive Misc. secondary Base frame with at least five support points and
working Posture factors measures to guarantee stability
Economy means Economy means We abide by all safety guidelines … … and we are still not satisfied.
making the best use of energy when long-term investment pays off A good workplace chair must become an integral part of your At Bimos, we anticipate every possible danger of injury, and
Research shows that up to 40 % of people’s productivity at The quality of a good workplace chair is evident in its materials company’s health and safety arrangements. This applies to prevent it from happening. We are in constant contact with
work can be lost through poor posture. When the body is and craftsmanship as much as in its basic concept. Bimos the way in which the chair is constructed, but it is just as experts in the field, and co-operate with well-respected
under strain, it has to compensate for any deficiencies in the seating solutions are very well aware of this. Long-term important that the chair is perfectly suited for the tasks it is research organisations such as the Fraunhofer Institute.
workplace. That requires strength and energy that can be put durability, replaceable individual parts, and the possibility of required to fulfil in your company. Yet the truth is that you
to better use in working, rather than wasting them on sitting. purchasing individual components at any time combine to give often find chairs in an industrial setting that are not suitable In addition to our solid construction and safe mechanisms, it
So the influence of a workplace chair on the productivity of a you maximum flexibility. for use there, e. g. office chairs. is vital in industry that a chair should take account of the
company is enormous. human safety factor. If humans cannot work in a relaxed and
Bimos exclusively uses materials that have been subjected to Naturally, all Bimos chairs fulfil standard DIN 68 877-1 and concentrated manner, then that is when dangerous mistakes
A good workplace chair supports the sitter, and prevents a rigorous testing. We were the first German manufacturer of all carry the GS safety mark for tested safety. But the safety can be made. The only chair that promotes safety in your
person from getting tired quickly. This improves both workplace chairs to fulfil all the requirements of the standard requirements we demand of our chairs go far beyond those company is a chair that takes the strain.
performance and concentration. Errors can be reduced by DIN ISO 9001. We are so confident of the quality of our given in the standard.
up to 20 %. products that we give all our chairs a warranty of ten years.
• boost the performance of your staff • safety depends on purpose
• raise the quality of work • don’t cut corners on safety
• invest in the future • prevent accidents before they happen
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