P. 17

Choice of two mechanisms for active-dynamic sitting

 Functions and ergonomics

 Adjust the chair, not the person

 Production work makes huge demands on the workplace: people may be using a great deal of energy, they may be preci-
 sion-working, or making repetitive movements. A workplace chair should not force the user to sit in a constrained position. It
 must suit its environment perfectly, must be adapted to the work involved, and above all must be adjustable to every person
 sitting on it. The human body is the measure. A workplace chair must be an equally good fit for anyone and everyone – men and
 women, small people and large, heavy and light, and young and old – which is why it is essential to have a sufficiently wide range
 of  settings and adjustments.
            The permanent contact backrest …                     Synchronous technology …
            … follows the movements of the upper body, and ensures that   … provides an active-dynamic sitting experience with weight
            the back always remains fully supported. The permanent   regulation. The seat and backrest accompany the body as it
            contact backrest is ideal for people who have to lean forward   moves. This gives the user a feeling that can best be
            for long periods of time, with only a small distance between     described as “weightless floating”. The synchronous techno-
            eyes and workpiece (e. g. working in precision engineering or   logy comes into its own where users are working at of-
            in the laboratory).                                  fice-type working situations, working at a screen, or constant-
                                                                 ly changing their sitting position.

 Important functions for adjustment to individual body size

 Seat height adjustment  Seat tilt adjustment  Seat depth adjustment  Backrest height adjustment  Weight regulation  Armrests  Foot support and
 Seat height adjustment allows   Many jobs are carried out in slight-  The seat depth adjustment   The backrest height adjust-  By individually adjusting the   Armrests have the important   mounting aid
 adjustment to body size and height   ly raised positions, and require   matches the depth of the seat to   ment ensures that a person   pressure of the backrest,   function of reducing the   The mounting aid is
 of workplace. The ideal seat height   people to bend forward. A corre-  the size of the body, giving the   is ideally supported –   both light and heavy people   strain on the upper body and   height-adjustable, and can
 is when the knees, hips and elbows   spondingly tilted seat provides a   best possible contact surface for     especially in the lumbar   can sit with the correct   arms. The height, breadth   be  folded upwards by 90°.
 form an angle of at least 90°, with   seat angle of at least 90°, while at   the thighs. Contact with the back-  region – no matter how tall    posture.   and depth of our 4D arm-
 the feet resting flat on the floor.   the same time providing contact   rest, and therefore the support it   he / she is.  rests can be adjusted, and
 with the backrest.  provides, are maintained.                   can also be swivelled

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