P. 21

Production                                                                                                           Production

 Perfect seating solutions for production facilities  The activity determines the chair

 A workplace chair can only really be described as “good” if it fits in perfectly with the working
   environment. Each type of activity imposes its own particular requirements. That is why a good office   Office-based work  Factory-based   Bimos has the
 chair will be designed to suit the working conditions found in offices. A chair that is to be used within   work  perfect solution
 a production context, on the other hand, will need to meet a completely different set of demands.
   Bimos workplace chairs are setting new standards in this respect. They manage to combine maximum   e. g. oil, grease,   Easy to clean and
   freedom of movement and adaptability with super sturdiness. From the ergonomic design of the seat   Clean environment,   swarf, flying sparks,   highly resistant finishes
 and backrest and easily replaceable upholstery right through to the highly durable materials used, our   carpet, wood  Environmental factors  lint, dust  and materials
 seating solutions are the epitome of good design. As a result, not only do they satisfy the necessary
 standards, but are always developed in close collaboration with industrial doctors and other specialists   Complicated. Sometimes
 in the field.  Generally easy and                         requires force, sometimes           Profiled seat,
            similar tasks (e. g. working on                    fine motor skills.             tapered backrest
             a PC, reading, phoning, etc.)  Activity
                                                              Larger  reach range

            Mainly involves sitting upright                 Often involves bending or       Seat tilt adjustment,
               or leaning backwards                            leaning forwards               contact backrest

               Standard desk height                          Between 65 and 130 cm       Wide seat height adjustment
                   72 cm ± 5 cm                             Desk height + workpiece           range, step and
            Desk height = working height  Desk / working height  height = working height  footrest where applicable

                  8 hours a day,                                                           Robust materials, easily
                chair only ever used                        Shift work, chair shared         adjustable functions,
                                                               by several people
                  by one person           Period of use                                    replaceable upholstery
                                                            Chair has to be flexible in
                 Chair has to adapt
                to a variety of body                      terms of how it adapts to differ-  Maximum adaptability without
                                                           ent body shapes and sizes, the
                                                                                          compromising ergonomics
                 shapes and sizes          Flexibility
                                                           type of work and the situation
                                                                                           High standard of safety
                   DIN EN 1335                                   DIN 68 877-1                 and ergonomics
                                        Safety / Standards

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