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Neon                                                                                                                 Production

 New generation workplace chairs

 Neon is the flagship for modern industry. No other chair for use   more complicated tasks. Similarly, office and manufacturing workplaces are merging closer and closer together, and
 in manufacturing can boast such ergonomic features, such     demands on the workplace are increasing. Neon combines ergonomic and functional characteristics that have until now
   design or such comfort. Neon is based on findings from the   been unknown in production environments with optimum industrial characteristics. Its innovative 1+1 system of chair and
 Fraunhofer Institute’s Arbeitswelt 2015plus research. So Neon is   upholstery combination provides flexibility and sustainability, and ensures that it is perfectly adapted to the particular area
 the new generation workplace chair for the new generation of   of work. Both operating Neon and sitting on it are highly comfortable experiences. Neon was designed by Phoenix Design,
 work. Simple production jobs are increasingly being replaced by   arguably the best design studio in Germany.

            The Neon 1+1 system

            Neon consists of two elements: the chair element with base and mechanism and the upholstery element.
            This offers many advantages:
            •  Sustainability: When you need new upholstery, you do not   •  Individuality: Upholstery determines use: changing
              need to dispose of the whole chair. You just change the   upholstery surfaces to suit changing uses.
              upholstery with a single click.
                                                                 •  Speed of delivery: The modular construction means
            •  Flexibility: If Neon is to be used in another work area, it is   that not every chair has to be individually finished
              only the upholstery element that needs to be changed.  after an order is received. This leads to extremely
                                                                   short delivery times.
            •  Economy: Make a one-off investment in a chair, and then
              only replace upholstery when necessary. The decision to go   •  Changeable upholstery: Different employees in the
              for a Neon is a long-term investment.                same workplace – for instance on multiple shift
                                                                   work – can use different upholstery.

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