P. 15

A good workplace chair …

 … protects the health of your employees  … is a competitive advantage

 The amount of money lost   The amount of money  required
 through a single day’s illness  to purchase an ergonomic
 workplace chair

 A single lost working day
 Approx.   will actually cost you more   Approx.
 € 500,-  € 350,-
 than purchasing an
  ergonomic chair!

            A range designed to bring you pure pleasure: Seating solutions from Bimos

 Protect your most valuable asset  Invest in the health of your staff and save cash   Satisfaction comes from being valued  Nothing shapes a workplace so much as the chair
 The most valuable asset of any company is its staff. It is   Good workplace chairs relieve stress, help to correct postural   An employee spends longer on average sitting on a chair   The chair is the workplace. You feel good sitting on a good
   becoming more and more apparent that people’s health can   problems, and so prevent injury from poor posture. They sup-  every day than lying in bed. So a good workplace chair is a   chair. Nothing pinches, nothing nips. It is comfortable, it
 be affected by their work. Back pain is a frequent problem.   port the muscular system and are the most effective way of   measure of the value you place on the people in your compa-    supports you, and it doesn’t force you to sit in a fixed position.
 Work outside the office environment makes special demands   protecting the body against stresses and strains.    ny. Particularly today when development and production   A good chair adapts perfectly to a person and to a workplace.
 of a workplace chair. This is the point at which we should   workplaces are merging closer together, and such a “war for   It supports the body even when a person is doing heavy
 mention forward-leaning sitting posture. Our chairs support   Once a person has back pain, it is likely to necessitate a   talent” is raging, good workplaces are becoming an indis-   physical work.
 this posture, reducing the likelihood of muscle tension and     relatively long time off work. With a good workplace chair you   pensable tool for motivating your staff. In addition to health
 circulation problems. Back pain in the lumbar region, pain in   will find that costs arising from absence on sick leave will   and practical aspects, comfort plays a huge role too. The   A good chair makes a massive contribution to people’s
 the neck and shoulders, headache, and swollen legs can also   reduce significantly: one single day off sick costs more than   touch and feel of a workplace, too, have a great influence on     happiness at work. At Bimos, we want to give people this
 be effectively prevented. Bimos also has perfect solutions for   an ergonomic chair. In addition to avoiding sick leave, a good   its perceived value.    happiness: that’s why we develop our chairs from one
 activities that have to be carried out while standing up.  workplace chair ensures that staff feel good at work, and     viewpoint only – that of the human being.
 promotes concentration and performance.

 • protect your human resource   • comfort is not a luxury
 • successful health promotion begins with sitting  • people only work well if they are sitting comfortably
 • stress-free working is the only healthy working  • improve your work environment with good chairs

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