P. 10

Five guidelines …                                                                                                                                              … for sustainability

                                                            10-year warranty
                                                                 modular design for complete
                                                                 material recovery                                                                                                                Cover fabric

                                                                    very few composite materials

                                                                    easy-to-replace components

                                                                 robust design for a long service life
                                                            certifi ed sustainable production

                                                                                                                                   Average usage of materials in a workplace chair

       We are committed to responsible use of resources and to the   The following five guidelines underlie every single new Bimos   Quality is the best protection for resources       Green values in black and white
       world in which we live. We were one of the first companies in   development:                                                Nothing is better for the environment than a product which   Every one of our chairs comes with an environmental data
       our sector to receive certification according to EMAS, in 1995.                                                             does not have to be replaced. When we develop a product, one   sheet. This shows the key environmental parameters of all
       Our commitment to sustainability was acknowledged in 2010   Recycling starts at the development stage                       of our principal aims is to ensure it has a really long life.   components: from the humble screw to the upholstery.
       with the Environmental Award for Businesses from the State   Our seating solutions are designed in such a way that almost
       of Baden-Württemberg. Neon is the first workplace chair to   complete material recovery is possible. To ensure this, we     Modular design as service-plus                       Our chairs have a green home
       have been awarded the Blue Angel eco-label.         avoid – wherever possible – using composite materials.                  Our chairs are designed so that all components can be simply   Even in areas not directly related to what we produce, we are
                                                             Recycled materials are always preferred in the manufacture            and quickly replaced at any time, and we ensure that our   continually optimising our processes, and working to ensure
                                                           of our chairs.                                                          replacement parts are available for at least 10 years.   that we remain at the forefront of environmental awareness.

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