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We have the perfect solution

        for every requirement …                                                                                                                                                                       … and every conceivable workplace

                     low maintenance •                          • conforming to body shape                                                                           standing workplaces

                       washable •                                    • ergonomic
                                                                                                                                                                               production areas
                         tough •                                        • freely confi gurable

               easy to repair •                                          • right upholstery                                                                                         research and development
                                                                           for every application

                      robust •
                                                                         • safe and conforming
                      durable •                                            to standards (GS)                                                                                             workplaces with many different users
                                                                      • adaptable
                10 year warranty •
                                                                 • fl exible
                          economical •                                                                                                                                                      high workplaces

       New technical developments constantly make fresh demands   DIN EN ISO 9001, environmental management in accordance
       of workplace chairs, which is why we invest so much energy in   with DIN EN ISO 14001 and EMAS regulation, and last but not                                                          low workplaces
       research. This means maintaining close contact with practi-  least, our ten year warranty are all clear proof of just how
       tioners, and co-operating with various experts, for instance   committed we are in this respect.
       from the Fraunhofer Institute.
                                                           In addition to the innovation, quality and sustainability of our                                                               ESD workplaces
       Even the best chair can only really be effective when it is com-  products, we are also extremely proud of our modular seating
       pletely self-explanatory, and when the user wants to use it.   concepts. The perfect specialist solution for every working
       This is why we work with the best product designers in Germany.   environment is right here.
                                                                                                                                                                                      laboratory workplaces
       Innovation must never be to the detriment of safety, quality or   Just let us know what you need.
       sustainability. Compliance with standard DIN 68 877,   We have the solution.
       the GS tested safety mark, certification in accordance with
                                                                                                                                                                               workplaces where maximum freedom
                                                                                                                                                                               of movement is necessary


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