Page 17 - ITECO Catalogue 2024
P. 17


         Polyimide adhesive tape ideal  to protect                     7807.185 HIGH TEMP. TAPE 6mm x 33m
         contacts on the boards during the wave                        7807.186 HIGH TEMP. TAPE 9mm x 33m
         soldering,  or  other  high  temperature                      7807.187 HIGH TEMP. TAPE 12mm x 33m
         production processes. Silicone adhesive                       7807.189 HIGH TEMP. TAPE 19mm x 33m
         protection without leaving a residue                          7807.190 HIGH TEMP. TAPE 25mm x 33m
                                                                       7807.191 HIGH TEMP. TAPE 40mm x 33m
         Length: 33m                                                   7807.192 HIGH TEMP. TAPE ESD 6mm x 33m
         Diameter: 75mm                                                7807.193 HIGH TEMP. TAPE ESD 9mm x 33m
         Thickness: 0.06mm (2.3mil)                                    7807.194 HIGH TEMP. TAPE ESD 12mm x 33m
         Temperature: 260°C maximum                                    7807.196 HIGH TEMP. TAPE ESD 19mm x 33m


        It is a good quality latex compound,  ESD safe, designed
        to  protect  parts  of  the  PC  boards  during  the  soldering

        produc on processes. Once cured, the paste will not li
        or separate during soldering,  it is excep onally cohesive,

        generally peeling off in one piece.  It is also suitable for use

        as a conformal coa ng.

        Mask can be applied using robo c, pneuma c, hand appli-
        cators, brush and template screening.
        Curing at normal temperature: 40 to 60 min
        Curing at 60°C: 15 to 25 min
        Colour: white
        Smell: light ammonia                       7805.916 Solder masking paste - 215g squeeze bo  le
        Resistance Rs & Rv: <10 Ω                  7805.918 Solder masking paste - 5kg  in plas  c
        Shelf life at 22°C: 6 months
          SOLVENT CLEANING                       Safe and effec ve cleaning of electronic and electrical components, screens and

                                                 stencils, specially designed to remove most flux residues including “no-cleans” a  er

                                                 touch-up and rework applica ons. Safe to use on most plas cs and rubber,  this

                                                 solvent  dries extremely quickly and leave no residues.
                                                 Cleaning: by immersion or with brush
                                                 Composi on: hydrocarbon solvent blend, alipha c alcohol and methylal.

                                                 Flash point: -21°C (highly flammable)
                                                  7805.929  Electronic cleaning solvent - 1litre can
                                                  7805.930 Electronic cleaning solvent - 5litre can

                           310             Conven onal brushes can generate high charges in use, they are therefore unsuitable

                                           for cleaning ESD sensi ve assemblies. Nonetheless it is necessary to remove solder
                                           flux and other dirt par cularly in SMD assembly where there are high densi es of

                308                        components.

                                           A range of conduc ve brushes allows thorough cleaning without the risk of genera ng

                                           sta c charges.  The brush consists of a conduc ve plas c handle and conduc ve fibres.

                  296                      Resistance from the  p of the brush to the handle is less than 1x10 Ω.
                                           Brushes should be used by operators who are earthed.  Hard brushes are for scrubbing

                                           whilst so  ones are for brushing of delicate items such as op cs and diske es.
                298                         7807.296  Hard brush 20x70mm (open nail type)
                                            7807.298 Hard block 40x150mm (closed nail type)
                                            7807.301 Hard brush 9x32mm
           301                              7807.302 Flat hard brush 12mm
                                            7807.304 Flat hard brush 25mm
          304                               7807.308 Flat so   brush 100mm
                                            7807.310 Flat so   brush with handle 130mm
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