Page 206 - WERA katalógus
P. 206
The BiTorsion bit system
Distinct extension of service life
Peak forces that occur in power tool applications often result in premature wear of bits or
damage to the screw head. This usually occurs during initial power-up and the when the
screw comes to a standstill.
Screwdriving could become more productive and safer if these peak loads could be
minimised. The Wera BiTorsion system prevents premature wear. The service life of the tool
is extended and the productivity of power tool applications signifi cantly increased.
Any overloading of this spring is
e ectively prevented by means of
a supporting mechanism. Higher
The e ectiveness of the BiTorsion peak loads are minimised through
system comes from a combination of the torsion e ect of the bit shaft
two shock-absorbing spring elements. (Phase 2). This e ectis achieved with
Both bits as well as holders have a a specifi c heat treatment after the
cushioning torsion zone that diverts The torsion spring integrated into the hardening process of the bits. This
the kinetic energy away from the unique BiTorsion holder absorbs lower reduces the hardness of the shaft in
drive tip during peak loads. levels of peak loads. comparison to the drive tip.
• The BiTorsion tools can also be used individually.
• The BiTorsion holder and the BiTorsion bit can, of course, be used independently
of one another.
• Even the service life of conventional bits is enhanced with the use of the BiTorsion
holder and the BiTorsion bit also functions in a normal holder.
The optimally coordinated features of
the torsion zones on the bit and holder
permit a phased yield when under
strain. The two-phase system prevents
premature wear. Moreover, a long tool
service life is also ensured by the
hardness of the bits that matches the
respective application.