Page 204 - WERA katalógus
P. 204

Impaktor bits and holder

               For an above-average service life

               Wera is mindful of the increased market signifi cance of impact drivers and has developed a
               bit and holder range especially for use with impact drivers.

                  Maximum utilisation of the material
                  properties, a very special geometry
                  – designed particularly to meet the
                  extreme demands – as well a specifi c
                  manufacturing process mean that
                  Wera Impaktor tools have an above-                                  Particularly high strength. Reduce the
                  average service life.             For use with impact screwdrivers.  danger of premature bit breakage.

                  Improve productivity when screwdriving   Torsion zone specially designed   Another product advantage is the
                  with power tools ( e.g.18 volt impact   to absorb such forces and thereby   coating of the Impaktor bits with
                  screwdrivers).                    protect the bit tip.              minute diamond particles.

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