Page 31 - EREM katalógus
P. 31

Erem impresses

       Erem Technology                                                      Handle

       Special tool steel                                                   Erem cutters and pliers with ergonomic
       Erem electronics tools are made from bright
       steel. They are not drop forged. The special                         Work Related Upper Limb Disorder (WRULD)
       tool steel is made using an unique Swiss                             can be caused by positional fatigue or nerve
       processing technique.                                                damage brought about by the repeated use of
                                                                            non-ergonomic hand tools, otherwise known
       The advantage:                                                       as Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI).
       The bright tool steel gives additional
       strength and toughness to the tools pro-                             WRULDS is a direct consequence of insuffi-
       moting a long service life.        High precision screw joint        cient ergonomics in manufacturing processes
                                                                            and working practices. To reduce the factors
                                          This self locking screw joint system gives a  which cause WRULDS, Erem has developed a
                                          smooth cutting and opening action and   range of tools with ergonomic handles (Series
                                          ensures that there is no blade overlap or   2400 MagicSense).
                                                                            The handle shape and special materials ensure
                                          The advantage:                    a soft feel, operating comfort and safety. The
                                          Precision cutting and reduced shock to   specially shaped handles ensure that the grip-
                                          components.                       ping pressure is evenly spread over the entire
       The internal patented Erem Magic                                     palm of the hand. The thumb and fingers
       Spring                                                               automatically find their best position. The eff-
                                                                            ort that has to be exerted by the user is redu-
       The Magic Spring system used in Erem preci-  EMOS maximum opening stop  ced, thereby reducing hand fatigue.
       sion tools is unique. It is integral to the cutting
       head and provides a constant closing and re-  The unique EMOS (Erem Maximum Opening  The anti-slip surface provides excellent grip.
       opening force. It is guaranteed for 1 million  Stop) system prevents the tips from opening  The material is highly resistant to perspiration,
       operations.                        more than 5 mm/.197 Inch. It reduces user  water, oil and chemicals. The handles are ESD-
                                          fatigue by preventing excessive hand spread.  safe and are easily interchangeable.
       The advantage:
       The Magic Spring system is highly reliable,  The advantage:
       makes the tools easy to use and reduces   Comfortable and fatigue free working.
       operator fatigue.

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