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Filter Technology
         WellerFT Zero-Smog Systems are
         speci fi cally designed for continuous operation three stage filter system (excl. MG 100S)
                                                                                         For standard applications
         in industrial environments. Care and attention for removing small particles, fumes and
                                                                                         For applications with high
         at the design stage plus careful component  gases that are produced in diƒerent working
                                                                                         flux or dust content
         choice and a high quality manufacturing   WellerFT Zero-Smog  Systems have a   Filter Class  Recommended Application
         process have given Weller extraction systems                        E12 / H13   For applications with high
                                           The hazardous substances are efficiently
         a world wide reputation for reliability and   captured by the nozzle and are absorbed   flux or dust content
            Spare Filters
         longevity.                        into the filter.                   Gas         For applications with
                                                                                         extracting adhesive fumes
          Filter Process                   Bigger particles get caught in the pre-filter   and solvents applications
                                            Weller Zero-Smog® fume extraction
          Weller Zero-Smog® systems
                                            Weller Zero-Smog® systems have a three stage filter system (excl. MG 100S)
          Specifically designed for continuous operation   and smaller particles get caught in the HEPA
                                            for removing small particles, fumes and gases that are produced in different working
          in industrial environments. Care and attention at  (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filter.
          the design stage plus careful component choice   processes:
          and a high quality manufacturing process   The wide band gas filter removes fumes
                                            The hazardous substances are efficiently captured by the nozzle and are absorbed
          have given Weller extraction systems a world   into the filter.
                                            Bigger particles get caught in the pre-filter and smaller particles get caught in the HEPA
          wide reputation for reliability and longevity.  and adhesives.
                                            (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filter.
                                            The wide band gas filter removes fumes and adhesives.
                                           2. Compact filter consisting of:
          1. Medium / fine dust filter     End product – clean air – is re-circulated   3. Gas filter (option)
                                            End product – clean air – is re-circulated into the workplace.
          For standard applications with a small amount  into the workplace.  The gas filter is used for extracting adhesive
                                           Particle filter H13 with deposition performance
          of flux and pollution gases with high solid  according EN 1822:2009  fumes and solvents. Experience has shown
          content, WellerFT offers filter classes M5 or F7.  > 99,955 % in MPPS (particles 0,16 µm)  that filtering suspended particles is not so vital
           Particle size:article size:                         Medium filtration efficiency Em %edium filtration efficiency Em %
                                           > 99,994 % particles 0,3 µm  against MPPS:gainst MPPS:  in this respect. The gas filter is filled with
           0.5                                                               50 % active carbon and 50 % Chemisorb.
                                           Wide band gas filter              The particle filter is omitted.
            5                                                                    97%
                                           For cleaning harmful fumes and vapours.
           10                              The WellerFT wide band gas filter consists of
                                           50 % active carbon and 50 % Chemisorb   95%
                                           (potassium permanganate).
                                           Harmful gases with a high molecular weight
           100                             are cleaned by the active carbon. Chemisorb is
                                           suitable for absorbing gases of lower molecular
                                           weight. Because of its composition, Chemisorb
                                                                           M5 5
                             M      F7  7    E                             M     F77      E E12             H1312             H13
                             M5  5
                                          E12             H1312             H13
                                           is able to convert a large number of chemical
         Filter Class M5, F7: Fine dust filter as per EN 779:2012  pollutants (e.g. formaldehyde) by means of
         Filter Class E12/H13: According EN 1822:2009 HEPA ( High Eƒiciency Particulate Air) Filteron-polluting gases.
                                           molecular modification into n
          Filter classification according EN norm
          Filter classification according EN norm
          EN 1822:2009
          EN 1822:2009
         Filter Class  Recommended Application  Group    Filter class                   Integral value
         Special Filter For standard applications                         Degree of separation  Transmittance degree
          F7         For applications with high    EPA   E10                         85 %                15 %
                     flux or dust content                E11                 Before using special filters MSD sheet must be
                                                                                     95 %
                                                                                                          5 %
                     For applications with high
          E12 / H13  Cleanroom Filter              VOC Filter                checked. Please contact WellerFT for support.
                                                                                                        0,5 %
                                                                                    99,5 %
                 Filter for use in cleanroom       Filter for solvents
                     flux or dust content
          Gas        For applications with   HEPA        H13                       99,95 %              0,05 %
                     fumes from adhesives and            H14                      99,995 %             0,005 %
                 MEK Filter                        Adhesive Fume Filter
                 Filter for Methyl, Ethyl, Ketone  Filter for gluing and dry processes
                                                            ZS 2, MG 130,
                                                            MG 140, ZS 4V, ZS 6V,
                                            1. Medium / fine dust filter
          FT 12, WFE P            MG 100S                   ZS 20T
                                            For standard applications with a small amount of flux and pollution gases with high solid content,
                                                                               Filter drawings not true to original
                                            Weller offers filter classes M5 or F7
           2.+3..+3.                        2. Compact filter consisting of:
                                                              1. 1.
         6 6
                                            Particle filter H13 with deposition performance according EN 1822:2009
                                            > 99.955% in MPPS (particles 0.16  m)
                                            > 99.994% particles 0.3  m
                                            Wide band gas filter. For cleaning harmful fumes and vapours. The Weller wide band gas filter
                                            consists of 50% active carbon and 50% Chemisorb (potassium permanganate).
                                   2. or 3.  Harmful gases with a high molecular weight are cleaned by the active carbon. Chemisorb is suitable
                                   2. or 3.
                                                              2. or 3.. or 3.
                                            for absorbing gases of lower molecular weight. Because of its composition, Chemisorb is able to
                                            convert a large number of chemical
                                            pollutants (e.g. formaldehyde) into non-polluting gases by means of molecular modification.
                                            3. Gas filter (optional)
           1. 1.
                                            The gas filter is used for extracting adhesive fumes and solvents. Experience has shown that filtering
                                            suspended particles is not so vital in this respect. The gas filter is filled with 50% active carbon and
                                            50% Chemisorb. The particle filter is omitted.
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