Page 8 - Kraiburg catalogue
P. 8

1     Choice - Ergonomic rubber mat

                           Multi-purpose workplace mat                         Electrically conductive industrial mat

                           The mat resistant to oil, grease and                Flame-retardant mat Bfl-s1

                           Customized workplace mat                            Antibacterial workplace

                 Choice - Functional rubber mat

                           Combination mat for standing and sitting            Industrial floor for high mechanical
                           workstations                                        loads, noise-absorbing and passable

            2    Working conditions & mat surfaces

                          Dry working conditions                              Humid working conditions

                          Slippery working conditions                         Wet working conditions

                                                                                               SUPERDRAIN    SUPERDRAIN

                                           DRY                              WET

                                           DIAMOND                          VARIO
   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13