Page 7 - Kraiburg catalogue
P. 7


                     24 %                                =            18,2 days

            of sick days were the result of                         of back pain. Average absence from
         musculo-skeletal diseases in 2021                                work of 4.4 days per year.

          Cost savings – reduction of sick leave

          Reduced costs through the use of ERGOLASTEC® industrial mats. According to the 2019 BKK Health
          Report, 24,3 % of sick days can be traced back to musculo-skeletal disorders. This amounts to an average
          of 14,3 days lost per employee due to back pain. By using ERGOLASTEC® rubber mats, you can
          actively promote the well-being of your employees and reduce costs.

           95466-231-9,  urheberrechtlich  geschützt  ©  2018  MWV  Medizinisch  Wissenschaftliche  Verlagsgesell-
          Source:  Knieps  F  I  Pfaff  H  (Hrsg.)  „Langzeiterkrankungen“.  BKK  Gesundheitsreport  2015;  ISBN  978-3-



             schaft und BKK Dachverband e.V.  Performance
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