Page 4 - Kraiburg catalogue
P. 4
Campaign for AGR-certified
Healthier Backs workout ground
(AGR) The secret to our back-protecting rubber
mat lies in the interplay of special geometric
The work of the Campaign for Healthier sides (surface and back) that stimulate
Backs (AGR) is dedicated to a crucial goal: continuous compensation movements. This
working together to combat the most wide- means that the anti-fatigue mats are develo-
spread disease in our society. The purpose of ped in such a way that the body naturally
the AGR association is to promote research oscillates and the leg and calf muscles
on preventing back pain and to disseminate thereby permanently remain slightly in mo-
the findings from these research endeavours, tion. This reduces the one-sided pressure
with the goal of making a contribution to on the inter-vertebral discs and ensures a
fighting the common affliction of back pain balanced load on the back musculature. The
(§2 of the AGR e. V. statute). spine is stabilised.
The ERGOLASTEC® workplace mat has been
certified with the AGR seal of quality by an
examination committee consisting of in-
dependent medical specialists and physio-
health as a
production factor
Benef its