Page 335 - Wiha catalogue 2022
P. 335

Application        Electrotechnical accessories

              For applications in   Stripping and crimping   Insert boxes set
              electrics             tool set 4-pcs. with   16-pcs. for assortment
                                    cable connectors 2,600   box connector elements
                                    pcs. colour code DIN in   Page 337
                                    assortment box
                                    Page 336

                                    Stripping and crimping   Wire-end sleeves   Wire end sleeves   Twin wire end sleeves
                                    tool set 5-pcs. with   display Colour code   with plastic collar set   with plastic collar set 2
                                    wire end ferrules 500   DIN, 0.5 - 10 mm² in   0.5–2.5 mm², 400 units,   x 0.75 - 2 x 2.5 mm², 200
                                    pcs. colour code DIN in   polyester bag and 0.5 -   DIN colour code, in   units, DIN colour code,
                                                                                                 in dispenser
                                    L-Boxx Mini          16 mm² in organiser box  dispenser      Page 339
                                    Page 337             Page 338             Page 339

                                    Wire end sleeves with   Twin wire end ferrules   type cable socket, ring-  Crimp-type cable socket,
                                    plastic collar set    with plastic collar    shaped, insulated  fork-shaped, insulated
                                    100 units, colour code 1   100 units, colour code 1   100 units as per DIN  100 units as per DIN
                                    (FR) / DIN           (FR) & DIN          Page 344            Page 344
                                    Page 340             Page 342

                                    Butt connectors,     Female blade        Female blade        Male blade connectors,
                                    insulated            connectors, insulated    connectors, fully   insulated
                                    100 units as per DIN  100 units as per DIN  insulated        100 units as per DIN
                                    Page 345             Page 345            100 units as per DIN  Page 346
                                                                             Page 346

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