Page 285 - Wiha catalogue 2022
P. 285

Stripping tool with self-rotating drag blade        Hacksaw electric

              for round cable                             Z 72 0 06
              Order-No.                                           insulated with three saw blades 150 mm       246176
              44240     130   5 1/8“   4 - 28   x    1            Order-No.
                                                                  43125   150        280      x           1

               Stripping tool                                      Cable stripping knife

              for round cable                             Z 73 0 06
                                                                  straight cutting edge for round cables in blister
              44620     140   5 1/2“   6 - 13   x    1            pack                                          24680
                                                                  38798      200   8“         x           1
                                                                  Manufactured acc. to IEC 60900.

               Stripping and assembly tool                         Cable stripping knife

              for coaxial cable with F-connector          Z 73 2 06
              44241     125   5“    6 - 8     x      1            hooked blade with sliding shoe for round cable,
                                                                  in blister pack                               24678
                                                                  36053      200   8“         x           1
               Stripping multi-tool                               Manufactured acc. to IEC 60900.

              for round cable                             Z 74 0 06
              44242     125   5“   0.5 - 6  20 - 10   x   1

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