P. 149

Everything you need to

 know about chairs                                                 Options guide

                         Base frame
                         The base frame‘s shape and properties should be matched to the working environment in accordance with where it is going to be used. In the
                         interests of ensuring maximum safety and convenience, Bimos offers a variety of base frames so that you can choose exactly the right one for
 In line with our philosophy that our chairs should fit seamlessly into your working environment, we   your workplace situation.
 have provided you with some helpful information on the pages that follow.   Steel 5 star base  Aluminium 5 star base  Disc base
                         This 5 star base, which is made   5 star base made from polished    This disc base has no corners or
 The options guide will help you select the most appropriate accessories and designs for your situation.   from high-strength sectional steel   aluminium. Highly suitable for   edges. This makes it impossible
 As a result, you should be able to tailor the chair in precise accordance with your needs.   tubing, is particularly robust and   use in laboratories or clean-  to trip over and very easy to
                         durable. Its flat design pre -vents   rooms.                        clean. Therefore, it is particular-
                         people from tripping over it.                                       ly suited to working environ-
 The guide to finishes provides an overview of all the available finish options. This will enable you to   Ideally suited to: production and   ments where large quantities of
 determine which material is best suited to a particular environment.   manufacturing environments.  lint, dust or swarf are typical.
 You can also refer to our dimensions table for all the relevant dimensions information. In this way, you   If you have to remain seated for long periods, armrests will take the strain off your shoulders. Armrests can provide particularly effective
 can be sure that the chair dimensions are appropriate for the amount of available space.  support for detailed activities. However, they can also sometimes get in the way in situations where a high level of agility is required. That is
                         why all our armrests are optional and do not pose any difficulties if you need to install them at a later date.
                         Ring-shaped armrests              Multifunction armrest             Multifunction armrest ESD
                         The width of this ring-shaped     The height, width and depth of    The armrests made of conduc-
                         armrest, which is made of         this armrest can all be adjusted   tive plastic can be adjusted in
                         plastic, can be adjusted by       to suit the individual user. The   4 dimensions.
                         20 mm.                            armrest pivots and can be locked
                                                           into position.

                         Glide / astors

                         Glides                            Castors                           Stop & Go castors
 Options guide           Our abrasion-resistant plastic    Dual-wheel safety castors with    So you want to stay put when you
                         glides have a large surface area   load-sensitive brakes have to be   need to and the freedom to move
                         and offer a superb level of stabil-  right for the floor. All Bimos chairs   unhindered when needs must? If
                         ity. The flat design prevents you   are supplied with soft castors for   so, then our Stop & Go castors
                         from tripping over them.          hard floors as standard. Hard     offer the perfect solution. They
                                                           castors for soft floors are also   can be retrofitted on all Bimos
 Guide to fi nishes                                         available as an option.           models.
                         Foot ring
                         According to German DIN standard 68877, any chair with a seat height of over 650 mm has to have a step. Whenever our chairs exceed this
                         height, we install the best possible step. It may even make sense to include a step in the case of standard working heights. To cater for this
 Dimensions              requirement, we offer a foot ring that can be retrofitted.
                         Chrome-plated foot ring           Labster foot ring
                         This chrome-plated foot ring can   This plastic foot ring, which
                         be retrofitted by attaching it to   features an extra-large footrest
                         the chair column. It is height-   area, has been specially de-
                         adjustable.                       signed for our specialist labora-
                                                           tory model, Labster, and cannot
                                                           be used with any other model.
                                                           The ring is height-adjustable.

                         Workshops for the disabled
                         Workshops for the disabled are subject to special safety requirements. That is why we offer special accessories for use in this kind of envi-

                         Full belt safety harness          Lap belt                          Swivel lock
                         This full belt safety harness     This lap belt provides security for   For some activities, a swivelling
                         holds the upper body upright so   people who are particularly at    chair can be a bit of a nuisance
                         that the user cannot fall of their   risk, e. g. those who suffer from   (e. g. when you need to apply
                         chair. The safety harness can be   epileptic fits. The belt can be   force). This product enables you
                         retrofitted to our Sintec model.  retrofitted to our Sintec model.  to lock the chair in position using
                                                                                             a lever. The swivel lock can be

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