Page 294 - Wiha catalogue 2022
P. 294

Combination pliers Professional with DynamicJoint  and OptiGrip  Combination pliers Industrial with DynamicJoint  and OptiGrip

              with extra long cutting edge                Z 01 0 05  with extra long cutting edge             Z 01 0 02
              Order-No.                                           Order-No.
              26704     160   6 1/2“   16   1.6   -   5           30979     160   6 1/2“   16   1.6   -   5
              27327     160   6 1/2“   16   1.6   x   5           34565     160   6 1/2“   16   1.6   x   5
              26707     180   7“   16    1.8      -   5           30826     180   7“   16    1.8      -   5
              27399     180   7“   16    1.8      x   5           34307     180   7“   16    1.8      x   5
              26710     200   8“   17    2        -   5           30978     200   8“   17    2        -   5
                                                                  34308     200   8“   17    2        x   5

                 DynamicJoint    ®


                                                                     Wiha OptiGrip – optimal grip due to newly designed
                 Wiha DynamicJoint  – A new dimension in strength and   gripping surfaces
                                                                     •  A firm hold: The „triple-point support“ protects the
                •  Innovative: Optimised joint construction.           workpiece from twisting or slipping.
                •  Effective: Minimal power loss means less force needed for   •  Highly effective: Optimum grip even with large jaw opening
                   cutting.                                            – and at the same time significantly less force needed.
                •  Permanent: Optimal performance even after thousands of   •  A wide selection: Now in standard Wiha combination pliers
                   cuts.                                               and high leverage combination pliers.

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