Page 5 - Dino
P. 5

                                                               The main features of the AM73915MZTL are:
       AM73115MZTL                                             5 Megapixel sensor  |  USB 3.0 connection with up to 45fps  |  10-140x
       The main features of the AM73115MZTL are:               magnifi cation  |  Adjustable integrated polarizer  |  8 white switchable
       5 Megapixel sensor  |  USB 3.0 connection with up to 45fps  |  10-140x   white LEDs  |  Metal housing  |  Flexible LED Control (FLC)  |  Extended
                                                               Depth of Field (EDOF)  |  Extended Dynamic Range (EDR)  |  Automatic
       magnifi cation  |  Adjustable integrated polarizer  |  8 white switchable   Depth of Field (EDOF)  |  Extended Dynamic Range (EDR)  |  Automatic
                                                               Magnifi cation Reading (AMR)  |  Extensive measurement functionality
       white LEDs  |  Metal housing  |  Flexible LED Control (FLC)  |  Extensive   Magnifi cation Reading (AMR)  |  Extensive measurement functionality
       measurement functionality  |  Calibrated measurements  |  Exchange-
       measurement functionality  |  Calibrated measurements  |  Exchange-  Calibrated measurements  |  Exchangeable caps.
                                                               Calibrated measurements  |  Exchangeable caps.
       able caps.

                                                                                            Also available AM73915MZT
                                                                                     standard working distance, 20-220x Magnificationd working distance, 20-220x Magnificationd working distance, 20-220x Magnification
                                    Also available AM73115MZT
                             standard working distance, 20-220x Magnification

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