P. 37

Nexxit                                                                                                               Production

 Your perfect partner at work

 Ergonomically designed, user-friendly and incredibly robust   chair easily and intuitively to their individual needs, automatically establish the correct sitting posture. The backrest‘s
 – modern industry places specific demands on the quality of   range of motion can be preset to one of three different settings, guaranteeing the optimal working range for any task.
 workplace chairs.  The Nexxit‘s unique industrial ergonomics,   With impressive comfort and extreme durability, it is ideal for use in industrial environments. This makes the Nexxit
 coupled with a mechanism that allows the user to adjust the   your perfect partner for all types of task.

                                                                                                ID 0000042898

            3-level pre-selection

            The right working range for every task. In order to meet the different work require-
            ments, the range of motion of the Nexxit‘s backrest can be adjusted to one of three
            different settings:

                                                           Setting 1 locks the backrest in place, providing optimal
                                                           support for work that requires a lot of force or effort.

                                                               Setting 2 allows for dynamic sitting with a medium range of
                                                               motion for precision mechanical activities, e. g. activities in
                                                               which the user is working with their eye close to the workpiece.

                                                           Setting 3 offers the full range of motion where ample
                                                           scope for manoeuvring and reaching is required.

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