P. 29

Neon                                                                                                                 Production

 Design and materials

 Neon’s innovative 1+1 system allows you to change the     material available for the most varied uses: there is tough
 upholstery with a single click, so that it adapts to any   integral foam upholstery, which is able to withstand mechani-
   particular work environment. With the 1+1 system, you   cal damage; easy-care synthetic leather that is soft and
 order chair and upholstery elements separately (please     washable; robust and breathable fabric upholstery; as well as
 note that you can only sit on the chair with an upholstery   the world first – “Supertec” – an innovative fabric covering that
 element). There is an extensive range of upholstery   combines the advantages of fabric and integral foam.

              Neon fabric upholstery                               Neon synthetic leather upholstery

              breathable, comfortable, soft, hard-wearing          washable, low-maintenance, resistant to oil and disinfectants, soft and

              Design                               Order no.       Design                               Order no.
 Upholstery fi nish   „Supertec“ –   Duotec fabric  9588-colour no.  Magic synthetic leather             9588-colour no.
 a world fi rst among cover materials
 and colour options
 Neon is not just a trail-blazer in terms of ergonomics, design
 Finish  Black  Blue  Grey
 and comfort. It also sets standards in its choice of materials.
 Duotec fabric
 Neon is the first workplace chair to make use of the “Super tec”
 cover material. This consists of a textile  substrate covered
 with micro-studs. This makes Supertec upholstery breath-
 Order no.  6801  6802  6811
 able, soft and comfortable, and at the same time very tough,
 Magic synthetic   cut resistant, non slip and easy to clean.

 Order no.  MG01  MG02  MG11

 Integral foam
 protective studs

 Order no.  2000  2001  2002

 Order no.  SP01  SP02  SP11  breathable
 Partly hard, yet overall very soft.

              Neon integral foam upholstery                        Neon Supertec upholstery

              extremely tough, durable, washable, capable of withstanding   comfortable, soft, breathable, very tough, cut resistant, non slip,
              mechanical damage, resistant to flying sparks, resistant   easy to clean
              to mild acids and alkalines
              Design                               Order no.       Design                               Order no.
              Integral foam                        9588-colour no.  Supertec                            9588-colour no.

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