P. 100

Neon laboratory                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Laboratory

                                                           Comfort in your laboratory

                                                           Neon, the new generation workplace chair, cuts a fine figure            expect of a good laboratory chair. It is seamless, easy to clean, washable, and resistant to disinfectants. So Neon is always
                                                           in the laboratory too. Neon supports the forward-leaning                the ideal solution for the laboratory, when a really comfortable chair is needed. In addition to its outstanding ergonomic
                                                           sitting position that is often necessary in work in the laborato-       features, Neon is above all extremely comfortable. Its thick but deceptively slim-line upholstery ensures that sitting down
                                                           ry. Neon is very elegant; its modern design matches the high-           even for a long test series is still comfortable. Its very sophisticated mechanisms support the body in its every movement.
                                                           tech laboratory environment perfectly. Of course the laborato-          Yet Neon is quite simple. Operation is self-explanatory. The best ergonomic features are only really effective when the user
                                                           ry version of Neon has all the characteristics you would                understands them and wishes to put them to use.

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